Friday, January 27, 2012

Chicken Curry in a Hurry - Review

This recipe came from a friend's blog (who, I would like to mention, makes some fabulous stuff - including tasty food). We had tried it a few years ago, and somehow messed it up (I think we used sweetened coconut milk, if such a thing exists) so it was a little sweet. We pulled the recipe out again a few weeks ago and have made it twice since then. It is delicious, and very easy.


It is especially easy if you prepare it estilo Kat....which was learned via my mother-in-law. She has food preparation days where she will do things like cook up a bunch of beef to freeze it in baggies, or will can things, or make freezer jam. I do not can or freezer jam (though I do enjoy it), BUT I have learned the joys of pre-cooking and freezing meat. I get my meat when I can find it on a deal, and then have a little prep day for that meat or meats. I do the ground beef and freeze it in baggies (usually 3/4 to 1 pound worth), and I also will take my chicken breasts, boil them forever (remember: germaphobe), and then cut them into pieces and put about a pound's worth in a baggie. Makes dinner EASY.

Like I mentioned before, it is really important to make sure your coconut milk is unsweetened. Also, we have made this recipe as written before, and it is wonderful, but tonight when I made it I realized I had neglected to check the recipe carefully and I didn't have tomato paste or spinach. Oops. So I substituted a couple of tablespoons of ketchup for the tomato flavor (I figured the tomato paste was being used more to flavor than to thicken things up), and I threw in some frozen peas for the veggie kick. I'm not sure if peas are curry-blasphemy or not, but it was really good. I am happy with the recipe either way.

Family Rating: ****
My Rating: ****
Cost: $ (it actually may end up being a touch over $5, depending on your chicken prices)
Difficulty: Easy. The only thing to chop is an onion and the chicken, and the rest you just throw in and cook.

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