Monday, January 16, 2012

Perfect Roast Chicken - Review

A couple of years ago I checked out a Jamie Oliver cookbook and found this awesome roast chicken recipe. I was slightly intimidated, but thought we could give it a go. It wasn't too bad to make, and it was FANTASTIC. I also found a recipe for Yorkshire Pudding that more than once has singed my arm hair and, actually, started an oven mitt on fire. Didn't know that could happen, but it can. Obviously they were good since I made them more than once, and put my arm hair and oven mitts at risk again.

Back to the chicken - this was FABULOUS. We just made it again last night. The lemon makes it. And the "veg" is amazing. I always forget to add more than what is said, and always regret that I didn't cut more up. The kids weren't the biggest fans of the carrots & onions, but my husband and I LOOOVED them. So good. I could have just eaten those and been a happy person.


Honestly, this isn't a hard recipe AT ALL....providing you have tackled a whole chicken before. If not, it's not that bad. A little gross (to me), but not bad. And you'll feel proud of yourself for trying, and be surprised when you succeed. Take the chicken from the bag. (Aside: you can get a "roasting" chicken or a "fryer" and they are both fine. At least I assume they are. I usually get a fryer because they are less expensive, and the only difference I can see is that the roasting chicken has a bump that looks like one of those pop-out thermometers. Just be sure to cook it long enough to kill all the yucky stuff.)

Back to the chicken. Once you take it from the bag, look into the cavities and dig out all of the stray organs that they shove into the chicken for whatever reason. I've never consumed "giblets", can't remember a discussion I've had with anyone about their "giblet" consumption, and I hope to not ever have to ever endure either of those situations. The digging out is the gross part. I just can't think about what I am digging out. My husband, however, will usually pull out the organs and try and figure out which ones they are, and then show them to the kids. Yuck.

After that, you just take the chicken, put it over the "veg", and prepare as stated. I put a generous amount of salt and pepper into a separate bowl so I can take my "chicken contaminated" hands and rub the chicken with salt and pepper (even on the inside of the chicken too) without worrying about getting nastiness on the salt or pepper packaging, or without having to wash my hands every time I touch the chicken. My husband and I are germaphobes, so we wash our hands a lot, especially when dealing with raw meat. Blech.

After you season, leave uncovered in the oven. The chicken will get a good, crispy outside and a deliciously moist inside. Don't forget to follow his instruction to let the chicken sit out for a bit before cutting into it. This will keep the meat from drying out prematurely.

Here was one of our attempts. So tasty. Not as pretty as Jamie's, but still amazingly delicious. Enjoy!

Family Rating: ****
My Rating: *****
Cost: $$ (pretty much just the cost of chicken, which depending on size should be around $5)
Difficulty: Moderate, if you have never done a chicken before. Easy, otherwise. Not much chopping or too much prep work.

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