Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Greatest Granola - Review

One of my friends posted this recipe for granola, and it is our favorite. It is SO-O-O good. Good enough to get my husband to eat breakfast whenever we make it, which is not a normal thing for him. Usually if he eats breakfast, he eats leftovers instead of breakfast food (gross), so this is huge.


It's one of those recipes that is good enough to give away, but then you think that maybe you'll try a little.....and then you realize that you CAN'T give it away because you NEED it. So if you plan on giving some away, make sure you have enough of the ingredients for at least a double batch. :)

We don't put nuts in ours because we have a nut-averse child, and it still is fantastic. I add the full 2 tablespoons of cinnamon because I love how full the flavor is. We have also discovered ground flax, which the kids don't notice and handle better than flax seeds. Wheat germ is also a good stealthy add-in, as mentioned in the recipe.

Also, I shared this with my mom and she mentioned that it worked better for her to mix the dry ingredients together first, then add the rest because then you get a more consistent texture. I tried that this last time and it was great. But even the throw-it-all-in-at-once granola is great too. We love it.

Family Rating: *****
My Rating: *****
Cost: $
Difficulty: Easy. You put stuff in a bowl, mix, and bake. A'int no thang.

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